Wednesday, January 25, 2012

....and so we start Trimester 2

14 weeks, 1 day : WOO HOOO officially out of Tri 1 and working on Tri 2. I am over 33.3% done! (thank god).
Mood – sentimental, and relaxed. The endorphins from DanceTrance are still hanging with me….ahhhh feel so good.
Symptoms – Indigestion, Heart burn, fatigue and swelling in my feet. Feeling much than I did in Trimester 1, but still not as good as my prepregnancy self.
Useless Ramblings -WHEW life has been so busy, I have hardly had the time to think about the thing growing in my belly.  I have been doing my best to support Case and help him get ready for his race in S. Cali. This has defiantly been a big goal for him, and I couldn’t be more proud. I remember how much he helped and supported me when I was working on my goal of competing in the Miss Alabama USA competition, large goals like this take months and years of preparations and he has been working so hard every single night for MONTHS to get ready. It has literally turned into a second job for him, working nearly everynight of week from 6-10pm. I am so proud of Case’s focus and determination. Not everyone has the gumption and determination to stick to a goal for so long or to tackle one so large. My baby has a good hardworking and determined daddy, much like it’s momma. J
School started back, so you will hear a little less from me. Sad. But….I gotta do what I gotta do. I need to get this masters done ASAP, so I have more time with the little beany, Case, and my family. I will be better for the sacrifices I make now, but man….it sure doesn’t make things easy. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, my plan is to finish up this MBA program before kid #2 gets cranked out.  Like all goals, I will rely heavily on the love and support of Case, my family and friends. Without the love and support from my people, my “work, life, school” balance would send me to the nut house. I owe a lot to the people around me that support me, I can’t thank everyone enough. Told you I was in a sentimental mood. J
On a similar note, I have been overwhelmed with love and attention from friends and family.  I have already been showered with gifts, compliments, love, support and most valuable….encouragement. Pregnancy is hard, I can use all the wonderful encouragement I can get. Friends and family surprise me with small favors or little gifts every week! I dare to even say that I have friends and family that are more excited than I am. LOL. I already have more baby stuff than I do room to store it in. J You guys are all so wonderful, I don’t expect a thing from anyone, really…..but I do appreciate it, the gesture means a lot to me and I feel very loved and blessed. Not sure what I did to deserve such wonderful people around me for love and support, but man……am I glad you are here. J Thank you so much.
My next appointment is Feb. 1st. I hope all continues to go well. In the meantime, I will chug along helping Case get things in order for his trip, and plugging away at my course work. I will post a quick update after my next appointment.

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