Sunday, April 8, 2012

Daddy's strange behavior...

Sunday April 8th 2012,
24 weeks 5 days,  I am surprised I remembered. At this point I just know that I STILL can’t have my wine.
So, long time no see….School is in session and while my course is not horribly demanding, it is taking up many of my mental gears just KNOWING that I have it looming over my head. I think about it at least every day, it is a source for anxiety, as if there wasn’t enough of that already. I can’t WAIT until this semester is over. 

Highlights that I should catch up on…..last prenatal visit went well. Case went with me, and I was just beaming having him at my side. I think it is a pride thing when your husband shows up to these visits, “Soooo, how many visits did your husband go to…..”.  As a scientist I look at it like this, the amount he cares is proportional to the number of prenatal visits he is willing to endure.  Personally I think you are doing awesome to get them to show up to 2, the 2 required ultrasound visits. Right now, we are already up to 2 and planning visit #3 (3D Ultrasound not required, out of pocket expense). I am stoked. I was just so happy he went with me last time, it made my day. I didn’t even require him to go, he went on his own accord! I was just shocked and amazed, and proud to have his love and support. It really does mean a lot. The rest of the visit went well. I had only gained 2 lbs over 5 weeks (which is the least amount I have gained thus far). Charlotte’s heartrate was 161, and she was active. BOY is she active. Case felt her move for the first time last night, the look on his face was priceless. Pretty much any moment I stop to settle down, she starts moving. She also moves a lot after I have eaten, and for some reason, when I shower. 

With only 2 weeks left in my second trimester, things are getting close. The extra room in our home that once housed all the crap that I have been hanging onto and wanting to keep for various reasons, is getting cleaned out and ready for Charlotte. Some things are getting relocated; most of the items are getting sold or given away. It is very common and almost……. traditional, to paint the nursery.  Most parents I know have put some (at least *some*) effort into the nursery room decorations. Sadly I am not a home decorator. Currently the disagreement on the Dalton table is painting the nursery. Now, I am a very…..level headed girl, and one of the reason I married my husband was because he too was very reasonable. I am not the one insisting we paint Charlotte’s room; Case is INSISTING we paint the nursery. My big 6’7 burly husband is throwing a fit to go buy pink paint and paint his little girl’s room. This may not seem to odd to most people who don’t know my husband, but if you do, you know that he is not a painter. As a matter of fact, I can’t even twist his arm into performing general home maintenance.  I have one sink that doesn’t work, a hole in the wall, a leaking hot water heater, the front porch that needs a coat of paint, bushes that need cutting back, garage cleaned out, 2 broken garage doors, the list goes on……and he is having a fit to paint a room that is already painted a nice cream color. It isn’t like this room NEEDS paint, it looks fine! This is out of character for him and about the least reasonable thing (well, wait, maybe I should take that back. He has this Jeep thing but that is another story) he has ever suggested doing. I know this is a common thing for parents to do, but to each their own, it isn’t something I would do on my own. I just see no need to paint a room for an infant that can’t see colors that well. What if she doesn’t like the color when she is old enough to decide on her own? If she colors on the walls with markers, we will just have to do it again. If we pick some gender specific color, what if the next child is a different gender? It just seems like a lot of wasted effort to me. Then one day when we move, we will have to paint it AGAIN, because who is going to want a pastel room?  I honestly don’t get it.

 In marriage I learned to pick and choose my arguments, and painting a room is not an argument worth fighting over. For whatever strange reason, Case feels very strongly about this, and I respect that. Arguing over whether or not to paint a room is rather silly and not worth the fight, so I have put my bull horns back in their little case for another day.  Now that I have got over his insistence, I think it is sweet and cute. I have been working hard on cleaning out the room and getting rid of things so that he will have plenty of time to paint her room.  I have been thinking about a color that would go well with Charlotte’s pink room accessories (passed down form dear old mom! Hahah) and I think I like a very very very light green. Like Easter egg green or lighter. That would also work well if the next child is a boy. Mom, Momma June, and Momma Mel have all agreed to purchase the furniture, so those should be rolling in the door sometime here soon. I want to have her room ready for the furniture to go in, so I had better go hop back to it. Anyone need a red couch? Dehumidifier? I have a stack of purses and dresses…..  The things we do, right! heheheheh  <3 my cute little family!